Final Trailer

Effected Trailer:



After screening our trailer to the students at Stratford upon Avon College we were given the following feedback:

  • Voiceovers could have been added
  • Good Editing and timed well with the chosen music
  • Give more insight to dans situation
  • Last few shots were very good

What did you do well?

The pre-production went well to a certain extent. All of our ideas came together well, however as I did join the group later on I was slightly confused at first what the groups idea for the trailer was. However I soon got around what they were trying to achieve and  the final production trailer came out quite well than I originally thought, and from the feedback we were given it was mainly positive. During the pre-production we were fairly organised in assigning each other specific tasks as part of the planning process and everything was done to a good standard.

The group in general were very punctual in getting to college on time ready to start filming which helped a lot in making sure we got all the shots we needed. The two actors in are trailer were from our group and I especially thought that Tom did an incredible job in acting as the Stalker. The other actor Dan I felt was slightly less good at acting in his part of the movie/trailer, however he gave it a good crack and it went down okay.

How could you improve?

When it comes to the pre-production part there wasn’t really anything we could have improved on. From one of the members a little more input could have been made towards the work but apart from that I felt that everything was fine. The final trailer production would have been better if we included some voiceovers to make it more interesting, and to also include more shots to explain Dan’s situation a bit better. The long take we used was are original thought to add in the trailer, however I personally felt that it wasn’t necessary and without it it didn’t make the trailer any worse only better as the feedback from students was that this shot was long and boring.

Personal Targets

  • Be more creative with shot types
  • Experiment with the camera
  • Explore the different transitions on Final Cut Pro
  • Use Final Cut Pro more often to get use to the software
  • Be more driven and confident being the director of the trailer